
In order to understand OAuth 2.0, it is first necessary to define the fundamental concepts used within the protocol. To make these concepts easier to grasp, this guide will analyze OAuth 2.0 in the context of a common real-world scenario: logging in with Facebook and accesing the Facebook Graph API. That said, the concepts themselves apply to other OAuth 2.0-protected services, and the details described in this guide are not specific to Facebook.

In this scenario, your application will prompt the user to log in with Facebook. Facebook will then authenticate the user. Once Facebook has obtained the user's consent, Facebook will issue an access token to your application. Your application then uses the access token to access the Graph API.

In OAuth 2.0 terminology, Facebook is an authorization server (AS). The purpose of the authorization server is to authenticate the user and obtain authorization. Authorization is typically obtained by prompting the user for their consent. Once authorization has been obtained, the authorization server issues access tokens to the application.

The Graph API is a resource server (RS). The resource server hosts protected resources, which are typically HTTP endpoints and require an access token as a credential to authenticate a request. In the case of Facebook, these resources are friends, posts, photos, and other information people might share on a social network.

Your application is a client. The client requests authorization from the user and, if granted, uses the issued access token to access protected resources.

The user is referred to as a resource owner. The resource owner is an entity that is capable of granting access to a protected resource. In social networking scenarios, this is typically the user who created the posts or photos being accessed. In enterprise environments, this is often a priviledged administrator that manages company data.