OAuth 2.0 is an authorization framework that enables an application to obtain access to an API. This access is granted with the consent of the user whose information is protected by the API. Once granted, the application can then use the API to read, create, and/or modify information that the user has permitted the application to access.

OAuth 2.0 can appear quite mysterious to developers, especially to those not familiar with implementing security-related functionality. Even identity experts acknowledge the complexities of OAuth 2.0 and how it is used to provide authentication and authorization functionality.

Fortunately, Passport makes it easy to integrate OAuth 2.0 without having to know the underlying details of the protocol. While this allows developers to quickly add authentication and authorization to an application, it can also seem like "magic" and enhance the mystery.

This guide provides an overview of OAuth 2.0 and analyzes how the protocol operates. It details how Passport works when implementing OAuth 2.0-based authentication and authorization. This guide will help demystify OAuth 2.0, giving you a better understanding of how it works in your application.